
Sometimes I sit with stillness,
It hunches there, just beyond the corner of my sight.
In a very, very distant quiet.
So cold, and safe, and void of light.

And every now and then it reaches out,
To brush away a sound or a scent,
Out of my cluttered mind of duties.
And icy bands that grab a hold and never relent.

With whispered heart held words
It shivers and shimmers along the edges of my mind,
A brush here, a poke there,
So easy, "Just let me inside."

Stalking the easy prey,
Knowing I don't even mind.
With doors flung open wide.
Come inside!

Settle in and erase the space,
Between the love, between the hate.
Expand and fill me,
With something other then this ache.

Curled around the stone set heavy in my breast.
Slipping free of all the stone demands.
Your throaty laugh,
The warm touch of hands.

Instead search for your car out on the street,
As my skin freezes and flakes away.
Stare at your phone number,
While my voice crumbles at the closing of the day.

I sit beside a darkened stillness,
As tears run down a numbing face,
I realize it is the ache,
It is the space,
Between the love, between the hate.

And the answer that blazed across my soul in heat,
As the stillness cried defeat, in a voice shrieking and shrill.
Is that you never know your empty,
Till your filled.