The Boy with a Glimpse

The stately man stood in the town square,
and with a triumphant voice declared,
"The spirit testifies to me!"

When out from the audience an innocent
child puffed up his chest, and rather plainly asked,

"Do you hear the spirit speak, sir?"

"One does not hear the spirit. The spirit is
knowledge, and one feels it."

"But, what does one feel, sir?"

The gentleman stood rather bewildered at
this small boy's question.

"It is my opinion, dear sir. That the spirit is a
messenger. Here to remind us, and if chance we
need it to open our hearts to catch a precious
glimpse of his love."

"Of love?"

"Are we not blind to the love of the Christ? A
perfect love for each of us?"

"But just a glimpse, my boy?"

"Why yes. Would we not be ashamed if we got a
good look?"