Jude Law

used without permission

Rarely has there been an actor with such a presence. Compelling and powerful,
Jude is known for literally throwing himself into his roles. Part of the Brit
Pack, his carrer started at the tender age of 13 when he left home for a
weekend audition held by Britian's National Youth Music Theatre. It was all up
from there. Jude has stared in such movies as, "Shopping", which he admites not
being too fond of. He's been quoted as saying the only good thing to come out of it
was that he meet his wife, Sadie Frost. Other roles include "I Love You, I Love
You Not", "Gattaca", "Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil", "Wilde",
"eXistenZ", and "The Talented Mr. Ripley".

Jude's carrer hasn't been limited to the silver screen though. He's appeared in
many play's such as "Death of a Salesman", "Indiscretions", "Pygmalion", and
"The Fastest Clock in the World".

Fatherhood is Law's favorite role though, and despite his reputation, he leads a rather domestic life. "We're really
boring," Law told The Independent on Sunday. "If someone wants my recipe for veggie loaf, I'll give it to them."

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